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1 Match(es) found

Martin Sheen

Main Cause(s): institutional reform
Keyword(s): political reform
Movies In: The American President, Apocalypse Now, Badlands, Boca, Cassandra Crossing, Consenting Adults, Enigma, The Final Countdown, Firestarter, Gandhi, Gettysburg, Ghost Brigade, The Guardian, The INcident, Judgment in Berlin, Kennedy (TV Miniseries), The Missiles of October, The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, Nightbreaker, Original Intent, OUt of the Darkness, The Outer Limits (TV series), Roswell, That Championship Season, Wall Street, The West Wing (TV series regular)
Web Link 1:
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Photo Link: Unknown
Submitted by: Johanna McCloy
Activism bio (charitable work)
An actor of considerable talent and renown, Sheen has used his celebrity to call attention to causes in which he believes. Best known as an activist for the rights of South and Central Americans (he was born Martin Estevez and is of El Salvadoran heritage), Sheen has protested political repression in Central America; promoted more liberal political asylum policies in the U.S., publicized the atrocities of El Salvadoran death squads. He also has worked to fight nuclear proliferation, domestic violence and homelessness in the U.S. and was an early demonstrator against alleged abuses by the Israeli Army in the Occupied Territories in the late 1980s. He still makes time to volunteer at a Venice, CA soup kitchen each week. In a USA Today interview earlier this year, Sheen said, "[T]his (acting) is what I do for a living and that (the causes he supports) is what I do to stay alive." Sheen has been arrested more thatn five dozen times for participating in political and human rights protests. Biography provided c/o Amnesty International USA's Enduring Spirit Awards .

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